The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has made it very clear that it expects to see a positive cultural shift in the way firms behave and treat their customers.

And one of the key areas the FCA will be looking at to measure a positive cultural shift, is in the way firms react and respond to customer complaints.

This means that as firms, we need to ensure that our colleagues on the frontline line and in complaint handling teams have the appropriate skills and knowledge to do the right thing. This includes when to resolve a complaint at the first point of contact knowing when a complaint needs more time to be looked into.

In response to the FCA’s expectations (increased further by the Consumer Duty) and the importance being placed on the early identification and resolution of customer complaints, we’ve created this one-day complaint handling essentials course, to give people new to complaints (or those looking for a bit of a refresher) everything they need to know about what good complaint handling looks like.

As well as tutor-led guided learning and going through real-life case examples, we provide a space for delegates to share thoughts and ideas in a safe, supportive environment.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the day, delegates will know:

  • What the complaint handling rules say we must do
  • Why we need to do more today than what the rules say
  • How to get to the real heart of the complaint
  • What we mean by critical thinking
  • What a full investigation really involves
  • The importance of what we say and how we say it - from start to finish
  • How to handle difficult conversations, messages and emotions
  • How to keep a good complaint file.


  • What the complaint handling rules say and don’t say
  • Customer expectations in 2023
  • What the complaint really about and why knowing that matters
  • Your role in investigating the complaint
  • What to look for – weighing up information and conflicting information
  • Communicating with the customer throughout the process – why, when and how
  • Handling difficult conversations
  • Keeping records and managing file content.
Caroline Wells

Caroline Wells

Independent Advisor, Quibble

Caroline's background has always been in customer service and experience - and with that she's gained decades of experience in: dispute resolution, co...

Caroline's background has always been in customer service and experience - and with that she's gained decades of experience in: dispute resolution, consumer vulnerability and accessibility. Not a trainer in the traditional sense of the word, Caroline brings her real-life, current, and very practical experience to the group to share and spark conversation.

Today, Caroline works directly with firms and organisations across the private and public sector on all things customer service related. She also holds several appointed roles, these include:

  • Member of CIVEA's (The Civil Enforcement Association) Compliance, Adjudication and Review of Enforcement (CARE) panel - reviewing complaints about High Court Enforcement Agencies, their agents and providing guidance to the industry on raising customer service standards.
  • Independent Advisor to the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner - reviewing and advising on complaints and professional conduct issues.
  • Senior Subject Matter Expert to the Money Advice Trust - providing cross industry consultancy and training to customers in vulnerable circumstances.
  • Advisory Board Member to the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute - which guides the institute on its focus around money and mental health.
  • Customer Service expert to the Collaboration Network.
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