The purpose of this session is to provide the attendees with an overview of CRD IV/UK CRR and Basel 3.1. We will in particular look at what the key drivers of capital and liquidity are and how they will change in the future. 

The agenda for this half-day course is:

  • Introduction to regulatory capital – what is it and what is for?
  • How is regulatory capital reported under Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 under the current CRD IV and UK CRR rules?
  • Introduction to the Basel 3.1 and Strong and Simple Regime changes being implemented in 2025.
  • Introduction to the ICAAP process – why is it required and what should firms do?
  • Introduction liquidity reporting covering the LCR, NSFR and the ILAAP process.

Learning outcomes:

This session will enable the attendees to get a basic understanding of the UK capital and liquidity requirements as well as getting insight into key regulatory developments and priorities

Take this training in-house:

This training is also available as an in-house programme, which means you can tailor it to exactly what you and your colleagues require. Pricing for in-house will depend on what is required. Enquire about this option by contacting our training team.

Oivind Andresen

Oivind Andresen

Principal, Financial Services Risk and Regulatory Advisory, BDO

Oivind is a Principal in the Financial Services practice where he specialises in providing prudential advisory to banks. He brings around 17 years of ...

Oivind is a Principal in the Financial Services practice where he specialises in providing prudential advisory to banks. He brings around 17 years of regulatory experience including eight years at Barclays where he implemented the Basel 2 and 3 for the corporate and investment bank division. Oivind joined BDO in 2014 and has played a pivotal part in building up the prudential function and expanded BDO’s capabilities as prudential subject matter experts. Oivind works with both banks and investment firms at all stages of maturity whether applicants; start-ups; or long established entities.

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  • Risk and finance professionals in financial institutions