Of increasing importance in the conversations about vulnerability - universal design is the development of buildings, products, services, or processes that are accessible to all people, regardless of age, disability, or other factors. When considering product design and meeting the needs of vulnerable customers, firms should factor in three key areas.

  • Fundamentals - designing products or journeys that meet the needs of disabled people, vulnerable consumers, and the masses.
  • Design process - taking vulnerability into account during the design process and accounting for specific groups of consumers.
  • Opportunities - factoring in universal design to improve the identification and support of consumers in vulnerable circumstances.


  • Explain inclusive design and why is it important to product design.
  • Clearly state the key principles to inclusive design
  • Give examples of inclusive design
  • Applying the principles to a product design project
Money Advice Trust

Money Advice Trust

The Money Advice Trust is a charity helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence. The Trust runs National...

The Money Advice Trust is a charity helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence. The Trust runs National Debtline and Business Debtline, and also provides training and consultancy to creditors across sectors on identifying and supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances.

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  • Vulnerability colleagues
  • Customer facing colleagues.
  • Front line colleagues
  • Call centre colleagues
  • Learning and development colleagues
  • Training colleagues