Take Five Week - 9-15 March

Most of us think we're too smart to get caught out by fraud and scams, but the truth is any one of us can fall for one. It's important that we take a moment to Stop, Challenge and Protect when faced with fraudulent approaches to avoid our details getting into the hands of criminals.

Monday 9 March marked the start of Take Five Week. This is a significant element of the Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign, aimed at encouraging everyone to come together to help fight fraud and scams. The week saw the launch of the ?Take Five Voluntary Charter?, a set of minimum standards signed up to by 27 banks and building societies which sets out the expectations required of signatories. These include prominently displaying the Take Five logo and key messages across a variety of platforms including remote banking, ATM screens and staff communications.

Activity during the week was delivered through members, law enforcement and supporters, with messages and stories developed to resonate with the target audience of mothers, middle-aged couples and the over-65s.

Consumer research highlighted how people are often too embarrassed about having fallen for fraud or scams to speak out and tell others. In order to raise greater awareness and prevent people falling for frauds and scams people need to ?Take Five, Tell Five? and to talk to others.  This was based on the insight that 69 per cent of people worried more about their friends and family falling for fraud and scams compared to 64 per cent of people worrying about themselves.

Throughout the week, support for the campaign has been demonstrated in various ways from Take Five stalls in branches and stores, social media promotion of the Take Five Quiz, to even having Take Five scambassadogs!

Advances in technology have made it easy for criminals to pretend they?re from genuine organisations and convince us to hand over our personal and financial information. But as consumers, it's important that we always Stop, Challenge and Protect our money and information.



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