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The UK Finance press office provides industry comment, information and data on banking and finance issues. We have a wide range of spokespeople available to speak to the media.

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From surviving to thriving: Strengthening business resilience for the future



From surviving to thriving: Strengthening business resilience for the future

As we navigated through 2024, the gradual easing of inflation offered a glimmer of hope for businesses in the UK.
Non-financial misconduct: The art of self-policing and whether FCA industry data can play an effective role



Non-financial misconduct: The art of self-policing and whether FCA industry data can play an effective role

Firms continue to grapple with the issue of non-financial misconduct in a regulatory context. Despite cries for constructive guidance, regulators are yet to respond. The latest sounding from the FCA adds more confusion to already muddied waters.
Recent FCA fines: A wake-up call for financial crime controls



Recent FCA fines: A wake-up call for financial crime controls

The cost of non-compliance is significantly higher than the cost of compliance. 
How financial institutions can lead the way in digital trust for 2025



How financial institutions can lead the way in digital trust for 2025

As the financial services sector becomes increasingly digital, trust is emerging as a critical factor for success.
Mortgage lending and household savings continue to grow


Press release

Mortgage lending and household savings continue to grow

UK Finance today release its latest Household Finance Review for Q3 2024, which explores trends in household spending, saving, and borrowing.
Balancing regulation, resilience, and innovation: The UK's Financial Sector and Cloud Migration



Balancing regulation, resilience, and innovation: The UK's Financial Sector and Cloud Migration

As financial services rapidly evolve in the UK, one of the most significant challenges is striking the right regulatory balance between innovation and resilience.
Monthly Economic Insight - December 2024


Economic Insight

Monthly Economic Insight - December 2024

T’is the season of weaker growth and wobblier confidence. We look at what’s driving consumer and business sentiment as we close out the year. As well as a few post- (US) election data points and policy announcements.
Creating the future of payments, today: UK Finance hosts its first Regulated Liability Network (RLN) Hackathon



Creating the future of payments, today: UK Finance hosts its first Regulated Liability Network (RLN) Hackathon

Held between 20-21 November at EY’s FinTech Lab in Canary Wharf, London, and supported by tech partners R3 and Quant, the two-day event brought together financial institutions and FinTechs. Participants came with a range of innovative ideas for both retail and wholesale customers, all leveraging the RLN ‘platform for innovation’.