This Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide is aimed at charities, clubs, community groups and societies.
Please note that all content reflects best practice guidance shared by industry in a working group comprised of Banking and Voluntary Sector Partners and UK Finance. The Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide represents the views of UK Finance and its Banking and Voluntary Sector Partners. The Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide is strictly for guidance only and has not been approved by a regulatory body. It does not represent formal or legal regulatory advice, and whilst anyone is welcome to use the Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide, it is entirely at their own risk. UK Finance, in collaboration with its Banking and Voluntary Sector Partners, would like to emphasise that the Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide is not binding, and does not give rise to any enforceable obligations or duties. Accordingly, UK Finance and its Banking and Voluntary Sector Partners shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damages or costs arising from the use of the Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide. Users of the Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide should ensure that it is suitable for their use (and that appropriate due diligence has been conducted, including in relation to compliance with relevant laws).