SME Lending within UK postcodes

Trends covering member lending to UK small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).  Data is shown for loans and overdrafts across postcode sectors and meets a commitment to government to transparency about the geographical spread of lending.

Latest Data - H1 2023

H2 2022 SME GB NI
Publishable at postcode sector level (£bn) 84.5 3.4
Publishable only at postcode area level (£bn) 11.7 0.2
of which: Lending in sectors redacted to preserve confidentiality (£bn) 11.5 0.1
of which: Other lending which cannot be allocated at sector level, but included at Area level (£ bn) 0.2 0.1
Total lending publishable (£ bn) 96.2 3.6
Number of sectors publishable at postcode sector level 8,473 222
Number of sectors redacted to preserve customer confidentiality 1,132 23