Invoice Finance and Asset-Based Lending Members

Invoice Finance and Asset-Based Lending (IF/ABL) are types of finance used by businesses of all sizes and in almost all industries across the UK. These products and services support tens of thousands of businesses in the UK and hundreds of thousands of businesses globally.

Invoice finance and asset-based lending (IF/ABL) are provided by a range of different financial institutions, from banks to specialist non-bank finance providers.  Virtually all significant providers in the UK are members of UK Finance's IF/ABL Product and Service area.  

This membership means these providers commit to acting in accordance with the IF/ABL Standards Framework. Further details of these providers are available below.  

The key components of the Framework are the IF/ABL Code, an independent complaints process and an independent Professional Standards Council.  In addition to further information about these providers, these pages include information about the products and services, and also about the Framework and the standards that IF/ABL providers will meet in their interactions with small business clients. 

The information on this site is provided for general information only. The information about the following members and the services they offer is provided by the organisations themselves. UK Finance is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the information provided nor for content provided on their websites.