UK Finance responds to the Chancellor's Mansion House speech

Responding to the Chancellor's Mansion House speech, David Postings, Chief Executive of UK Finance said:

The chancellor has set out a positive vision for financial services, which are a UK success story and vital to our economy. I strongly welcome her support for the sector, coupled with the fact that she is addressing how we can best balance risk and consumer protection to help support economic growth. Key to this is the regulatory environment, with the new remit letters rightly stressing the importance of growth and competitiveness in regulators’ work. The chancellor has listened to industry and is delivering across a range of areas we have called for action on, including a digital gilt, tackling payment fraud, reforming the Financial Ombudsman Service, supporting green finance, and the National Payments Vision. I look forward to continuing to work closely with her and the government to ensure the UK retains a strong and globally competitive financial services sector.