Why making the most of AI in banking starts with the right humans

What is the best way to leverage the power of AI in banking?

The opinions expressed here are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of UK Finance or its members.

  • Do you just ask ChatGPT or buy a whole new set of super-computers?
  • Or should you talk to people who know what they’re doing and are already doing it brilliantly?

The answer seems obvious, but Salesforce’s latest blog makes a powerful case for taking a human-centric approach to adopting generative AI across the banking sector.

And, of course, it pays to be cautious. Banking is risk averse. That’s as it should be. But technology is rapidly developing, and the competition is working hard to use AI to gain an edge on established players.

So, what should your plan be?

You can balance risks and benefits. Yes, go after greater efficiencies, bear down on costs, streamline processes, and deliver better customer experiences… but do so in ways that match your objectives. Doing that takes deep analysis and great advice: from human experts.

The only way to do it is to partner with the right service professionals at the start of your organisation’s AI journey.

Read how you need to clearly define the areas in which you want to make improvements such as augmenting the skills, capacities, and effectiveness of both your people and your customers.

Find out how Salesforce is investing in innovative technologies and brilliant talent to boost the broad range of customer relationship capabilities it’s famous for. And discover the key to bringing it all together, building a totally human foundation for your AI adventure.

Read the full blog here.