Register for a free 3 week trial

Register your interest in the UK Finance Learning Hub for a free 3 week trial.

Please complete the questions below so we can create the appropriate access for your specific learning needs. There is a maximum of 15 questions in this form (dependant upon your answers provided). You will then hear from UK Finance, via email, within 48 hours to facilitate access.  For any queries, please email us at

By submitting your details, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the UK Finance privacy policy, and understand that your details will be shared with our Learning Management System Partner - The Access Group, in order to facilitate access to the learning hub site. Their privacy policy can be found here:

 Please do not supply a personal email address
Are you interested in the Learning Hub on behalf of (please select below) *
Do you hold the budget for Learning and Development Solutions?
Have you used the Access (formerly 'Unicorn') products before?
UK Finance Learning Hub areas of interest
(please select the ones which apply, and list any additional topics in 'Other')
Where did you hear about the UK Finance learning platform?